The Art of Choosing Change!
My thoughts for starting the year x
Photo by Nick Astanei for GREENLIGHTS, Aldinga Beach.
Are you a struggling artist, fellow human being, entrepreneur or business owner - feeling stuck, lost, overwhelmed or unsatisfied with your life?
Well… this is your year. Let's do it 👊🏽🌱
There's a big exciting journey ahead and new energy of CHANGE with this 2025 year so if you're like me and ready for big growth, radical change and want to create a new reality and fulfilling life for yourself this year, join me and buckle up x
Often we only choose change when the pain of where we are or the pain of bad events (whether personal or global) become BIGGER than the pain of what is required to grow and change.
That is when you're coasting through life not fully fulfilled, unhappy yet without enough painful circumstances to move you into change until 5-10 years later you get a nasty awakening by life and have no other option but to decide to choose CHANGE!
But what if we took small steps to nurture and implement simple daily habits in our life that would assist us in positive compounding change that would eventually radically change our life for the better?
It all starts with setting gentle intentions and reprogramming yourself daily for a better life. This is where YOU choose to become the creator
(The ultimate goal is to surrender, trust and align yourself with the creator. That's for another post!😉)
Because unfortunately if you're not making the daily effort to reprogram and create your life someone else is doing that for you - and that someone is usually SOCIETY & the people around you.
So if you have a burning desire within you, a feeling deep down inside that there is MORE to life, that YOU are more. You are not alone. And change IS possible.
The fact that you feel it means there's a future version of you already there. You just need to tap into them.
And if you don't see and feel it yet that's where the daily practice lies. 🫶🏽
Go to your bathroom mirror right now (doesn’t matter if you feel stupid, no ones watching! Unless your partner is in the house and then who cares anyways!)
Look into the mirror and firmly command to your mind, body and soul ‘THIS IS MY YEAR AND I WILL MAKE IT AN INCREDIBLE YEAR OF CHANGE’
Say it out loud.
Did you do it? How did it feel??
If you didn’t say it with confidence and conviction try again until you actually mean it and command it of yourself.
You will know when you meant it.
Well done for taking the first step in a truly incredible year that is coming your way. Trust me.
Now are you ready to go on that journey together? 🫶🏽🌸
Stay tuned for more because I am on this journey with you.
Big love x
By Leni Dreamer
LENI is an Award-Winning Songwriter, Creative Artist, Holistic Entrepreneur and Dreamer.
🌿 Breathe, Reset & Vibe – Your Daily Sound Journey Starts Here 🎧 Tune Into Healing Sounds by LENI
My favourite quote for the week.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
LENI’s Next Upcoming LIVE Event
Acoustics In The Forest - Sinclair’s Gully, South Australia’s leading sustainable ecotourism venue together with rising star LENI, present this very special Fringe music performance at twilight in the forest.
7pm Feb Sat 15th - Adelaide Fringe