10 Ways to Get Unstuck & Find Clarity on the Creative Path
Break Through Creative Blocks, Find Your Flow, and Build Momentum Toward Your Dreams.
Photo by Nick Astanei
From Overthinking to Action: 10 Powerful Tips I Use to Gain Clarity and Reignite My Creative Fire
1) Finish What You Start
Momentum comes from completion. Leaving projects half-done creates mental clutter. Commit to finishing—whether it’s committing to sit down and write a song idea a day for one week, a blog post a week for 3 months, or a business plan before you launch your next business. The confidence boost from completing something fuels your next big move. Small hint - don’t back yourself into a negative corner here. Make the completion goals attainable i.e. write a song idea a day not a fully finished polished song. Don’t make it impossible for yourself. Create goals that you can complete which create flow not friction. Start small and grow from there. It’s the tiny 1% completion goals and habits that accumulate and matter. I definitely recommend reading Atomic Habits!
2) Break It Down Into Smaller Time Blocks
Overwhelm is the enemy of progress. Instead of a vague goal like “I want to launch my brand,” set a small time-based challenge which will help you build confidence and momentum: i.e. I’ll dedicate 40 hours this month or 1 hour per day to learning everything about e-commerce by enrolling in a short paid course” Smaller, focused blocks make big goals feel achievable. If you’re interested in diving into ecommerce I recommend looking at Founder and joining a Founder+ monthly membership. They offer a $1 for 2 week trial of their online courses packed with great step by step lessons to help you get inspired, create a product and get your online store up & running quickly! I’d start with the Start & Scale course by Gretta.
3) Press Record—Start Building Your Community Today.
People won’t find you unless you put yourself out there. Hit record, post that blog, share your music—be raw, real, and honest. One video, one post, one song could connect you to opportunities beyond your imagination. Visibility creates momentum. Networking creates new opportunities and in return creates more money. Remember this one - Being a consumer makes you broke being a creator makes you rich. If you’re going to spend time on social media why not flip it and fund your passions or make a good living out of it? This notion of breaking our fear and sharing ourselves via social media has been re-inspired for me by John Lee’s 7 Figure Creator course on Mindvalley. Check it out here
4) The 3 Most Important Questions: Find Clarity. Enjoy What You Do. Enjoy Why You Do It.
If your heart’s not in it, it won’t last. Entrepreneurship and creativity are marathons, not sprints. Take the time to explore different passions, experiment, and refine your path. There’s no rush—align first, then commit fully. Don’t put yourself in a box though. You don’t have to be a musician, a CEO, a teacher - think beyond career terms and in terms of experiences. I suggest taking a piece of paper and making 3 columns. Experience, Growth, Contribution. In the first column EXPERIENCE write down the types of experiences you want in life or with your work. Don’t write down I want to be a CEO instead write I want to lead an amazing group of people and build a truly inspiring empire that gives back to the world and brings me lots of joy. Remember write down Experiences NOT Job Titles. Next column GROWTH write down the things you will have to do to learn or grow into these experiences i.e. I will become the greatest public speaker, I will write a best selling book, I will complete a mentorship or course on sound engineering. Lastly under the column CONTRIBUTION write down what contributions these experiences and actions of growth will bring about - I will provide global healing, I will help people become their healthiest happiest versions of themselves, I will build schools in my community where I grew up. For a more detailed guidance on your 3 most important questions I suggest you watch Vishen’s 4 short videos in Mind Valley where he guides you through each column and process. Last time I checked they were free to watch without the membership! :) Watch here
5) Don’t Rush — The Tortoise Wins the Race
Great things take time. Rushing into a project without a strong foundation leads to burnout. Think of your journey like building a house—brick by brick, layer by layer. Find your flow, enjoy the process, and don’t obsess over the finish line. Like my famous YouTuber friend keeps reminding - While he walks slowly and works along (imagine the actual physical action of him showing me how he walks very slowly haha) but consistently ahead, everyone else is running around quickly and franticly in circles thinking they need to rush, panic and create lots of sub par content to get ahead but ironically they all get left behind in the end. Well behind. Guess who is moving forward in leaps and bounds?
6) Protect Your Mind Space. Create Your Inspiration.
What you consume shapes your mindset. If you’re drowning in distractions, negativity, or comparison, your creativity suffers. Be intentional about what you read, who you follow, what you watch, and listen to. Surround yourself with content and people that elevate your vision and inspire you. Doom scrolling is detrimental to your creativity and productivity. But if you scroll with purpose and have an intention to research and learn - then time wasting turns to creative inspiration and productivity time. Next time you start scrolling, pay attention to the content - see what content makes you stop scrolling and find out why? What works for someone in a similar niche to you? See what their video is doing to make it so successful, analyse the content, see if you can figure out the key factors that you could apply to your content. Now you turn your procrastinating scrolling into your productive creative work. Small shifts make a big difference! And you get to scroll in the name of productivity...
7) Move Your Body – Energy Creates Energy
Stagnation breeds mental blocks. Walk, stretch, dance—do something to shake up your energy. Some of the best ideas and breakthroughs happen away from the desk. Movement fuels creativity. For me morning or afternoon walks are where most of my good ideas come from. I also like to start my days with exercise and a 5km run every second day to clear & reset my mind. And when I get stuck or overwhelmed in my workspace changing my environment also helps - go to a cafe or take a walk. When I don’t do this I notice the difference and my creative productive mood suffers and pays the price!
8) 80% Done Is Better Than Perfect
80% is enough and ready someone recently told me. Perfectionism is our greatest enemy. Don’t let it hold you back from releasing your work or moving onto to the next task. The goal isn’t perfection—it’s progress. Put out version 1.0, learn, refine, and evolve. The best creators start average, refine & grow in public, then become the absolute Gods of their craft.
9) Follow The Fun. Listen To Your Body And Its Feelings – Your Passion Leaves Clues
Your body is a GPS. If something excites you, you’ll feel it in your body - follow it. If something drains you, your energy drops - reconsider it. If you have a funny gut feeling about something most of the time it ends up being right - say no and don’t do it. Your best work comes from a place of enthusiasm and curiosity. If you're forcing it and not feeling it, maybe your body is telling you something and it’s time to realign?
10) Surrender And Embrace The Stillness – Clarity And Answers Comes in the Quiet
Overthinking won’t get you unstuck—stillness will. Meditation, breath work, time in nature or a quiet walk can give you the answers you’ve been searching for. Sometimes, you need to stop chasing clarity and let it find you. Go with the flow of life. Trust the universe that it has a plan for you. If your ego and forced actions are always taking lead you are probably missing the gentle nudges and hints the universe is trying to give you (Much more on this soon!). But I strongly recommend reading the book The Surrender Experiment by Michael Alan Singer. This book was recommended to me by a friend and the same week I ended up on a last minute red-eye flight to Dubai meeting the most incredible creatives & entrepreneurs from all over the world and a completely new perspective on life. Set your intentions but surrender and see where life takes you. You just might be very surprised once you start getting out of your own way where life will actually take you!
I hope any or all of these ideas help you unblock new flows into your life and unlock new possibilities for you creatively in your personal life or business journey.
Be gentle with yourself. Take it slow but be consistent. Be purposeful with your energy, be present to your surroundings and be open to the opportunities the universe has in store for you.
Stay tuned for more because we’re on this journey together. And we’re just getting started…
Big love x
By Leni Dreamer
LENI is an Award-Winning Songwriter, Creative Artist, Holistic Entrepreneur and Dreamer.
My favourite quote for the week.
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working”
🌿 Breathe, Reset & Vibe – Your Daily Sound Journey Starts Here 🎧 Tune Into Healing Sounds by LENI
LENI’s Next Upcoming LIVE Event
Voices of Reconciliation 2 is the second in a series of events focusing on diversity, and unifying through music and performance,
This Event is 100% FREE to attend But Please reserve your free ticket to avoid disappointment
and is also a All Ages Event (Under 15 needs an adult supervisor)
Come Join in on a One-night Only Performance by Award Nominee Adrian Eagle, alongside Eskatology, Inquest, and LENI.
7pm Friday March 28th - Nexus Arts, Adelaide, Australia.